Cancer Recovery and Restwise

A few years ago I became involved in some beta testing of a internet-based recovery monitoring software program called Restwise. I used it effectively in my own training and preparation for ski mountaineering racing. After going live in 2009, Restwise has been used effectively by individual athletes and professional teams in a variety of sports worldwide.
Before Restwise, there wasn't a convenient way for athletes to monitor their response to training load. By being able to do so with a few simple steps each morning, athletes and coaches using Restwise now have a way to make intelligent decisions about training and rest in order to optimize preparation for competitive events. Athletes no longer have to "shoot from the hip" or go by feel when assessing their own state of recovery. Restwise provides proven data that takes guess work out of the equation. The answers to the questions about when to push and when to back off in training are now at their fingertips.
Now, I'm the first to admit that our obsession with performance in athletics is pretty narcissistic and self-centered. Obviously, we get tremendous satisfaction from the training and competition but, outside of our little world of sport, we're not really doing anything significant - until now. Not too long ago, a cancer researcher approached Restwise with the idea of using the tool to guide the recovery of a small group of cancer survivors in Boise, Idaho. It's a documented fact that well-dosed exercise programs accelerate the recovery of these patients and helps them regain strength and stamina following treatment. After a brief pilot study confirming the researcher's suspicion about the utility of Restwise for this group, a more ambitious study was launched which confirmed the results.
The exciting thing about Restwise in this group of patients is that it gives them a way to be directly involved in their own recovery and puts the proof of it right in front of them each morning. To say this has a powerful impact on their outlook and road back to health is an understatement of the highest order. Besides, perhaps, driving your car off a cliff, there's probably no greater sense of loss of control for a human then when you're given a cancer diagnosis. Restwise can help put the reigns back in their hands.
Now, Restwise is a tool that costs money. Cancer is an enourmously costly problem for all involved. Making the tool available to all who need it will go a long way to easing the burden for everyone. I want to make readers aware of a simple scholarship program that will help fund the recovery of thousands of cancer survivors. Please take a moment to watch this short video and forward the link to anyone you feel it might help. It's a small contribution that'll make a huge impact on those that need it. Thanks for your time.

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