Brevent, Vallee Blanche and side tour – Day 2

"Zee wind blows on zee Mt. Blanc, no?"Got up motivated for another tour on the Vallee Blanche with plans on hitting some powder up a side cirque we spied the day before. But the winds were ripping up high and the Midi tram was only going to l'Aiguille du Plan. So, I busted over to the other side of the valley to ski groomers and some side piste at Brevent.
Brevent is one of many resorts in the Chamonix, very close to downtown. It was short walk to the base from the Midi station. Brevent, the sunny side of ChamonixEverything faces south up there so it was full on spring conditions and warm sun. The wind was higher up so no problems at Brevent. The bottom is pretty bony but a gondola takes skiers above that mess. From there, another tram takes you to the top. It’s lower than the top of the Midi, of course, but there’s tons of terrain. It reminded me of Squaw Valley with lots of features and varying aspects.
I got bored pretty fast skiing groomers and the steeper chutes were still pretty icy. I headed down a machine road to the bottom. I don’t think it’s how most people go down but it worked. Met several skiers skinning up. Looks like a traditional work out site for locals.
I made my way back over to the Midi hoping things had changed. They had and I got in line. I waited for two bins and I was off. As if someone was playing a joke on me in line I turned around to see none other than Yep. Andreas fucking Fransson. Felt like I was sniping a picture of Bono.Andreas Fransson standing there giving some sort of interview to a pretty boy with rock star long hair and a camera. Lots of those guys and their female counterparts around here. Anyway, I have to admit to being completely star struck. Guess I’m really in Cham.
It was still nuking at the top and I waded through the huge line down the ridge. Entertaining watching the guides short-roping six clients down that slippery track. I guess having the rope on made them feel better. Not sure what was going to happen should the whole group fling themselves off the trail. I guess that never happens.
The wind abated as soon as I was down low on the glacier. It was clear that at least a couple thousand more skiers had been by since the day before. Check the skiers there for reference. BIG!It was strange seeing huge mogul fields adjacent to gaping crevasses and towering seracs.
With the Pierra Menta less than two weeks away I figured I’d better do some uphill training. I found a nice uptrack to a large hanging snowfield with very few crevasses. It was tracked a bit but there was still good powder to be had. The altitude kicked my ass but I skinned about 800 meters up and enjoyed the slope all to myself. I finished the run down the Vallee Blanche but stopped short to check out the train at Montenvers. I really didn’t want to partake in the slush and rock fest at the bottom.800 meters of sweet ass powder on the menu back down to Vallee Blanche
I took the stairs from the glacier to a short gondola up to the hotel and train station. Dozens of tourists in street clothes were coming down to see the glacier. They even have a walkway going into a crevasse although I’m not sure how far. It’s quite the attraction, apparently. I’m sure some of those fatties were regretting the trip down when they started back up. Not an easy trip for the unprepared.
My timing was good and the train soon arrived. Fransson was once again right in front of me. I fought the urge to be a dork and introduce myself. He looked to be guiding a middle aged Italian man. Train leaving Montenvers, Valle Blanche behind
The trip down was painless and I got out a short walk from the center of town. A beer and some food followed and then the 15 minute trudge in ski boots back to my flat. Pretty good day two.

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I'm enjoying these Cham posts. Keep them coming!
following... looking good!