Feeling Desperate

Making the most of the fading Lane GlacierThe weeks pass and the big storm continues to avoid AK. The temps are right for something good but the clear days persist. Mat and I are still getting out but our tolerance for walking over shitty boulders is starting to wear thin. We've taken to just touring for the sake of scoping terrain but are Jonesing for some real turns.
The drive talk inevitably turns to what the cold and clear nights is doing to the snow that we do have locally. We've watched it hoar up and facet right in front of us and dread what this means for the early season once the snow finally comes. We're praying for a big wind event to blow it all away and start over. Short of that, something warm and heavy would help.
Lane Glacier
Last weekend we took bikes back to Hatcher Pass and headed for the Lane Glacier this time. It's a longer bike ride and kind of a grunt with a thousand foot climb to the start of the hike. My standard MTB with skinny tires crapped out a half mile before Mat and his fat bike but walking and pushing the bike was almost as fast. I figured I could ski down that part anyway.
It took us an hour or so to get to the bike drop and then another 1.5 hours to get to the toe of the glacier. The trail to the Lane Hut was pretty chill and we skied about half of it going out. The hut was surprisingly disgusting. I certainly wouldn't sleep there. Perhaps a fund raiser would see a complete remodel. It's in a cool location, at least. But, man, is it trashed.
The dilapidated Lane Hut
Not even fit for a dog.From the hut, the travel was pretty heinous with the worst kind of boulder travel.
I've had about enough of this fun.The glacier was just covered enough with the exception of some sharky bits in the middle. The top was pure joy.
Some Chamonix inspired clothing choices. Oui!
Kinda brown down there but blower up here.
Damn good anytime of the year.
Using the bike's brakes for speed control down the road.No one had hit it and the cold had caused the powder to facet out some which made for nice turns. After a couple of runs we headed back for a six hour day of good training.
Milk Glacier
The word was out.This past weekend saw us head South this time for some recon of the Milk Glacier off Crow Pass. Most of the early season crowd heads to the Jewel Glacier which is easier to get to. Mat had been there earlier this week and knew it was hammered already. We opted for the road less traveled. I'd been up there two years ago but the snow was better Saturday. The glacier was more cracked up so we had to use some glacier travel common sense to keep from embarrassing ourselves. It felt like I was back in the Alps, which was nostalgic for me.
On the lateral moraine of the Milk
Staying out of trouble
The light was in and out most of the day but the 1,000' of turns we got each lap were fun enough. The boulder bashing getting back out was unfortunate but didn't take as long as it felt.
Raven Glacier
Sunday we opted for another less traveled distraction off Crow Pass - the Raven Glacier. It links up with the top of the Milk so we thought we might be able to do a loop. But the light and the crevasse situation had other ideas and we turned around about two thirds height. Without a rope, we were willing to go only so far into the cracked up zones. The coverage was just enough up high to make me worry about booby traps. The ski down was soft but only a tease, really. Still, it was great to ski in a new zone and see what the area has to offer for later season missions. Plenty out there.
Looking back toward Girdwood from Crow Pass
Mat surveying the Raven
The toe of the Raven Glacier
The fog playing games on the Raven
The Jewel getting worked

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